
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Asia Blog

So last weekend I was in north Austin, for a soccer tournament, with my parents.  We went to the Asia Cafe, a Chinese restaurant, which was apart of the Asia Market, but due to its popularity, it migrated into its own store right next door.  It was one of the best meals i have had in a long time! I especially loved how their noodles were very doughy and tasty. Here are some pictures of the food we ordered:
 Shredded chicken with garlic sauce, my favorite! p.s. it may be a little spicy if your one of those mild all the way types...
 Fried salt and pepper fish, my mom's favorite!
 Egg Roles with a tasty soup for dunking.
 DUMPLINGS!!!! With a soy sauce for dunking.
 shrimp stir fry
If you see this guy, your at the right place. 
Photos by me, Mr. Owl.

For more info click here.

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