
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Garlic Oranges Onions Danish Butter Yogurt Edamame

In case you were unable to decipher the title above, I am signing off and heading out. I will no longer be a part of this insane blogging world. I know that the depression this will put you in will be a deep and dark one. I am legitimately concerned for your health, and being the concerned blogger that I am, I am going to provide you with help. After you have finished reading this post, and finished crying I want you to click this link. But do not dwell on these unhappy memories, remember the good posts. I feel like I should explain myself to you. I have grown. Physically not mentally, and my fingers no longer allow me to type. I swear these things are like sausages. If the weren't so big I would do a post for really good sausages. But I would substitute the sausages for my fingers. That is how bad they are.

          For the last time,
                   - Chef Boyardee

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