
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Opinion Leads: Why We Need to Make Healthier Food More Convenient to Consumers

You have just gotten off of work, your hungry children awaiting at home for dinner. You do a quick mental inventory of what is left-over in the refrigerator.  With doubt of a preparable meal in mind, you pull up to your local grocer.  As you walk in, you become enticed by the flashy advertisements of brands such as Campbell’s Soup, Red Bull, Frito-Lay’s, Coca Cola, Kraft EasyMac, Hostess Twinkies, and Kellogg’s Froot Loops.  You completely pass the produce section as you follow the scent of warm, fresh, sourdough bread being prepared in the bakery.  You glance at your watch with only a few minutes to spare, for your children are at home, unattended.  You race to the frozen section, with the idea of TV dinners in mind.  Quickly, you grab the four boxes of Stouffer’s individual lasagna TV dinners.  You may think that you are getting a well-rounded, nutritional meal for a cheap price.  Think again.  In the future, you will end up paying far more in return for the convenient choice you made today.

Compare and Contrast
When highly processed foods use to be a rarity, now they are what fills our daily diets.  With food science and technology rapidly advancing, the health of our country is decreasing.  The food we eat today is becoming more and more convenient; for us and for the corporations producing them.

Startling Statement
You peer to your left and then to your right.  While it may not seem like that big of a decision at the moment, it could end up being the deciding factor of your health.  Even though that package of Cheetos looks better and cheaper than the cheese stick, the cheese stick could end up saving your life.

-Frito Bandito


  1. I like the first lead the best because it applies to many families who need a quick easy meal.

    The first sentence of the second lead could be worded differently to make it clearer.
    -Chef Boyardee

  2. I loved the first one. Very beautiful language that introduces the topic well.


  3. I like the first one a lot because it wis easy to relate to while the others are short and not as interesting.
