
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Three Opinion Leads

Caffeine is bad for You.

1. Direct Address Lead: Do you ever get those days where you are so tired? You have been procrastinating, playing games and watching TV. You think, “Caffeine will help me stay up,” and drink a bunch of coffee, soda, energy drink, or those weird caffeine shots. At first it’s just for one night, but it soon turns to every night. You’re staying up later and later, drinking more and more caffeine. You even start falling asleep during the day, all because of caffeine.

2. Direct Address Lead: You wake up in the morning feeling so exhausted, but that’s normal. You always stay up late. You get dressed sloppily and pretty much fall down the stairs because you don’t even have the energy to move. You go to your regular coffee house and inside, there a huge line, like usual. There is a bunch of noise and people which gets on your last nerves, but once you get that sip of coffee, you feel so much better! You feel so much more alive. You get this great burst of energy, but are those great feelings worth what’s coming next?

3. Compare and Contrast: Before, I was drinking a can of soda every day. I would sometimes drink two at night to stay up late to finish work. I didn’t think it would bother me in the future, but now I know it can affect me and I have stopped drinking so much caffeine.

By "Tucan Sam"


  1. I think that either the first lead or the second lead would work, but I would chose the first one if I had to choose one. I like how you create a situation that many people live in.
    -Chef Boyardee

  2. I would definitely use the second lead because it sounds more professional than the first and second. It makes me want to read on.

    -Frito Bandito

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like the first and the second but I think I like the first one because I can relate to it more. It makes me think more about the evilness of caffeine.
