
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Opinion Piece Leads

These are some of my leads for an opinion piece on organic food, leave me comments and suggestions if you are in the mood.

Startling Statement:
The Center for Disease Control has found that children, ages 6-11, carry four times the acceptable level of pesticides.  These pesticides called organophosphates are known to cause nerve damage. Scientists have also researched the effects of pesticides and they have found that exposure to small doses of these toxins during pregnancy and childhood can cause long term damage. These pesticides are coming from farms and food that was not grown organically, but with the help of chemical pesticides. That’s not the only thing your getting, if you eat conventional food you are eating pesticides, antibiotics, genetically modified food and the long term effects of some of those chemicals and additives are not known.

Compare and Contrast  :
In the past we have relied on conventional farming to supply us with the food needed to fill our stomachs. Now we have green, eco-friendly farming methods which can produce just as much food. The only difference is that with conventional farming you are also getting pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and genetically modified foods. Whereas organic food is giving you nutrient dense calories and no harmful chemicals.

To eat organically in today’s world is to be conscious about your health, environment and over all well being. In a world where the American stereotype is an overweight cowboy, and at least 25% of American adults eat fast food every day we need every healthy option we can get. While conventional food is better than junk food, organic food is the holy grail of healthy food. Conventional food contains harmful chemicals, hormones, antibiotics and genetically modified products. Organic food is the opposite it is nutrient dense, no harmful chemicals, no antibiotics and beneficial to the environment.

-Chef Boyardee


  1. I like the startling statement lead the most because it makes me worry about the food that I am eating because I am around the age that is affected the most by pesticides and other harmful substances.

    -Frito Bandito

  2. The startling statement is the best because is draws the reader in more. It shows the danger of something we encounter everyday. Great job!
    "Toucan Sam"

  3. I like the third one because it is the most interesting, but you need to add the because in the last sentence.

  4. The startling statement stood out to me. It draws me in and I want to know more: Why is this? What can we do to stop it?

  5. I think that all of the leads are really good but it only partially makes me want to read more (as in, I'd be interested in reading more but the lead itself doesn't really make me). Maybe if you added something like "here are some significant food scams that Americans fall for every day" that would encourage the reader to keep reading. My advice might be pretty crappy so you can completely disregard it . . . I also think that the first and third are your strongest leads.

    Clara A.

  6. Great job on all three leads and on how descriptive you are which each one. Kicker14
