
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

movie theatre food

Movie theatre popcorn! Photo from here.

A movie theater concession stand. Photo from here.

Everyone loves to go to the movies! Everyone always has a great time and it is a great way to hang out with family and friends! It has that great smell of movie theater popcorn, but when you look at the price of it, you freeze. The price is so expensive! Don’t you hate it? I know I do! There is even a Facebook group saying “The Price of Movie Theater Food Makes Me Want to Punch Children". Well, I do not get that mad, but it still gets me off edge. The candy is like $3 and the bag is half-full! In addition, the food is so bad for you. A large bucket of popcorn contains 116 grams of fat and 90 grams of carbs. But you still buy it because you are hungry and you start craving sweets. You also do that because you do not want to be the cheapskate that walks into the movie theater with so much food that you are going to fall down. To avoid that horrible incident from happening, buy a huge bag of Swedish fish and stuff it in a purse. If you do not want to do that, just eat a bunch of food before you go to the movies so you will not be starving.

"Toucan Sam"
For more information about how unhealthy movie theater food is, click here.


  1. Thanks for the helpful tips!

    Colorado Dreamer

  2. IT MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH CHILDREN. hahahaha thats hilarious, dahling. Good job.

  3. Wow. I agree. I wanted to order some Dibs and some popcorn and they told me it was like $12 and i was like WHAT??
