
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Food!

Photo Courtesy of flickr
Many blogs, and even our blog, have been doing posts about Christmas food. But December is not only for Christmas there is also: Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, St. Lucia Day and many more. So then why are there so many Christmas recipes and so little other holiday food? I don’t know, but it isn’t about taste because they all taste good. There is also a large variety in the foods, so you could have Christmas food one day, and Hanukkah food the next. While I am not Jewish I will try my best to accurately talk about Latkes, and if I say something that is wrong please feel free to correct me. But Latkes are strips of potato that are fried in oil and then served as a savory or sweet dish. The oil that the potato is cooked in is symbolic of the oil that kept the flame burning in the Second Temple. Latkes, when served as a dessert can be served with: honey, sugar, apple sauce, syrup, nutella and many other things. When served savory some toppings include sour cream, cottage cheese and numerous others.  I am just trying to spread a little holiday equality, and I hope that I did so accurately. For a recipe click here

                                                     -Chef Boyardee

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