
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our Magazine

I am sure that our awesome readers will want to read our magazine. Who wouldn't want to read the magazine that this blog was for. Well anyways here you guys go. Enjoy!
30 pages, published 13 DEC 2011
The best darn food magazine there is.

Garlic Oranges Onions Danish Butter Yogurt Edamame

In case you were unable to decipher the title above, I am signing off and heading out. I will no longer be a part of this insane blogging world. I know that the depression this will put you in will be a deep and dark one. I am legitimately concerned for your health, and being the concerned blogger that I am, I am going to provide you with help. After you have finished reading this post, and finished crying I want you to click this link. But do not dwell on these unhappy memories, remember the good posts. I feel like I should explain myself to you. I have grown. Physically not mentally, and my fingers no longer allow me to type. I swear these things are like sausages. If the weren't so big I would do a post for really good sausages. But I would substitute the sausages for my fingers. That is how bad they are.

          For the last time,
                   - Chef Boyardee

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Adios Amigos!

It has been so much fun writing in the blog, but it is time to say good bye. I have learned so much about food during this time and I hope you have too. I hope you go out and try all the possible foods in the world. There are so many amazing foods waiting to be devoured! So go out there and eat because that is what Americans do! Thank you so much and goodbye! ¡Adiós¡ հրաժեշտ. وداعا. Lamtumirë. ¡Hasta la vista¡ Totsiens. Adio. Güle güle. ¡Hasta la próxima¡ да спаткання.¡Hasta mañana¡ বিদায় ¡Hasta luego¡ Addiju. Orevwa. αντίο. Comiat.Well, you get the point.
"Toucan Sam"

Dear Readers,

I'm leaving you.  It's not you, it's me. I was recently diagnosed with laziness.  I don't feel like putting all that effort into keeping this relationship going when I know it will eventually end with a few broken hearts. That's why I've decided to cut it off now.  I'm sorry, but I have to do this.  The reason why I'm leaving you is because... I like you too much. You’re bad for my health and I don't know how much I can take.  Although you are sad, think of the positive.  We can finally both move on and you can find a new blog who you deserve more. And plus, I'm just not feeling it anymore.  I hope you understand, and don't judge me for not saying goodbye in person.  Don't make this harder than it has to be, please.  Just go!  Don’t look at me with those eyes!  Don’t you know I’m doing this for you?  *tear*  Farewell and maybe we will cross paths again someday.
                                                                                                                                Sincerely, Mr.Owl


Frito Bandito is officially making her exit from the blogging world. It has been fun while it has lasted, but it is time for me to resign. I hope that my dining advice has aided at least someone out there. I will always hold onto my passion of food even though I will no longer be able to share my guidance. On the other hand, this semester in EZine, I have really learned many new concepts and ideas about design and writing. I am a stronger writer now and I have more knowledge of using software programs such as InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator, while creating an original magazine. I feel like my time has been appropriately used efficiently and I am very proud of our finished product! If you would like to own your very own copy of our one and only student magazine, you can visit MagCloud to become a proud new owner of AustinCuisine magazine!

Signing off,
Frito Bandito

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Food!

Photo Courtesy of flickr
Many blogs, and even our blog, have been doing posts about Christmas food. But December is not only for Christmas there is also: Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, St. Lucia Day and many more. So then why are there so many Christmas recipes and so little other holiday food? I don’t know, but it isn’t about taste because they all taste good. There is also a large variety in the foods, so you could have Christmas food one day, and Hanukkah food the next. While I am not Jewish I will try my best to accurately talk about Latkes, and if I say something that is wrong please feel free to correct me. But Latkes are strips of potato that are fried in oil and then served as a savory or sweet dish. The oil that the potato is cooked in is symbolic of the oil that kept the flame burning in the Second Temple. Latkes, when served as a dessert can be served with: honey, sugar, apple sauce, syrup, nutella and many other things. When served savory some toppings include sour cream, cottage cheese and numerous others.  I am just trying to spread a little holiday equality, and I hope that I did so accurately. For a recipe click here

                                                     -Chef Boyardee

Fudgin' it Up

Art credit here
When I think of Christmas dessert, I think of fudge.  Most people would say , “milk and cookies,” because that’s what people leave for dear old Santa Claus.  My family, on the other hand, was different.  Instead of leaving cookies, we left judge.  Fudge is basically a big block of melted chocolate that you freeze into to hard chunks.  The recipe I use to make fudge is the Ghirardelli kind which is:

2 ounce(s) 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar
2 cup(s) Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1/2 cup(s) sweetened condensed milk
2 1/2 teaspoon(s) pure vanilla extract
1 cup(s) chopped pecans or walnuts

Line an 8-inch square baking pan with waxed paper. Place chocolate chips, bittersweet chocolate, and sweetened condensed milk in a double boiler over hot, but not boiling, water. Stir the mixture occasionally until the chocolate has melted. Stir in the vanilla extract and nuts. Spread fudge evenly in prepared baking pan. Refrigerate for 2 hours, or until firm. Cut when cool and firm. Store uncovered in the refrigerator.

Now some of you may be thinking, “I don’t celebrate Christmas!:( Can I not make this delicious fudge?”  Well of coarse you can! Fudge does not actually have anything to do with Christmas (I think…), so you can make it for any holiday or if your having a chocolate craving like I do, every day.  For more information click here.